Sunday, July 29, 2018

When 6 inches is not 6 Inches

Measuring Tape clip art
No this isn't about the difference in how Men and Women measure things, but I did get your attention. When ordering my materials for the french drain, I ordered 6 inch perforated plastic drain pipe. (300 feet of it), as well as the filter fabric sock that prevents dirt from seeping in over time and clogging the system. Rent a 6" trencher and all should be well. Right?

This is where assuming something creates problems. The inside diameter is 6 inches, the outside is close to 8". Hmmm, doesn't fit. Well, it's plastic and flexible, so maybe if I apply force. Then the ground should move some. Right?

First try was standing on it. Very little success.

Run over it with the garden tractor. Not much better.

Go get the truck! That did it, pushed that pipe right into the hole. This is when the neighbor comes over and states the obvious. "Looks like your stuck".  Yeah, with all the rain we've had recently, the 2 wheel drive, open differential Ford was spinning wheels. WE got it out with the help of my neighbors truck and life moves forward.

Donna's Note: I looked out the window just in time to see this or there would be no photographic proof! LOL!
That was yesterday. Not going to repeat the performance. I just widened the trench by hand and the pipe fell in easily.

Post trenching, pre-enlarging

Enlarging with the shovel

Gravel layer first, once widened

Wrapped pipe put in on top of gravel
Gravel in the right places and cover it up. Today was much easier.

I intend to work on this project every other day. Need a day off to let the seldom-used muscles recover. I have about 85' completed and around 200' to go. Needless to say, I will be glad when it is done.

Drain from left side of garage (facing towards back of property)

Drain from right side of garage (facing towards back of property)

Stay Tuned!


  1. Hopefully heavy vehicles driving over top of your pipe won't collapse it.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. Once completed and landscaped, this area will,ream open field. Now if the weather will cooperate, I’ll get this thing done?


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