Saturday, August 4, 2018

Things are starting to happen

Last week the materials were delivered. I was happy to finally see something  tangible. I took a check to the builder (Troyer Post Buildings) for the materials and discussed a few details about the amount of work they will do  and what will be left for me. I confirmed the door layout so the posts can be placed correctly.  It's nice to be dealing with a local company, we paid for the materials upon delivery and the labor when they're done. No up front costs.

I was not able to get much done on the French drain due to all the rain we had last week. Today was the first time back in the ditches. Connected another 30 feet or so and made a T-connection for draining another small area adjacent to the neighbor. It's not critical to have this project completed by any specific time frame. I will continue to work on it for a few hours each day or so.

If, you'll remember a few weeks ago I took a late night trip to the Emergency Room. Nothing of concern was discovered other then an over-medication related to my weight loss. To be safe my Primary Care Doc ordered a stress test. The result came in this week and happily there is no sign of any cardio-vascular disease. However, the Cardiologist mentioned I was "Below average exercise capacity for patient's age". Yeah, no S**t. I guess I have to start training for running marathons.

Donna published some conceptual drawings I made for the building. This is my ideas of what I want the building to look like as well as the interior set up. The workshop area will certainly evolve over time as I use it. I will have to commit to the bathroom area prior to concrete in order get all the connections in the right place. Once the walls are up and I stand inside and get a feel for the space, I'll be able to firm up the layout.

See ya, I'm gonna find an Aleve.

Stay Tuned!

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